Reimagining the Midlife Women’s Health Care Pathway

Supporting women’s health needs within the healthcare care system

Millions of women experience life-altering symptoms during the hormonal transition yet the healthcare system is not equipped to meet their needs.

  • Most providers lack the training in midlife women’s health, leading to misdiagnoses and dismissals.

  • Women are left navigating fragmented, confusing care without a trusted pathway.

  • Traditional solutions operate outside the system - creating barriers to access, equity and trust.

An AI-Powered Women’s Health Care Pathway

Nora starts with menopause—but our AI-powered platform is built to evolve alongside women’s needs.

From midlife to longevity, we’re creating the infrastructure for modern women’s healthcare.

Nora delivers an AI-powered care pathway focused on the holistic health needs of women 40+ as they navigate the hormonal transition and beyond - while seamlessly integrating with provider practices.

  • Data-driven, evidence-based care planning and support

  • Seamless collaboration with healthcare providers

  • Personalized, longitudinal support for women

  • Insurance reimbursed model